Log in to Judson University
Log in using your account on:
Is this your first time here?
If you are a new student with Judson do not select the Lost Password link. Your eLearn account is generated only after you register for classes through MyJudson. It can then take up to 4 hours for your eLearn account to activate after registration, at which point you will be able to log in using your original Judson credentials received in your email.
- If you need help logging into MyJudson, please contact the IST Helpdesk at IThelp@judsonu.edu or 847-628-5040.
- If you have questions about registering for courses, you can contact the Registrar's Office at Registrars.Office@judsonu.edu or 847-628-1155.
Returning Users
Trouble logging in?
- Click the "LOST PASSWORD" link underneath the login box to the left.
- Enter your username. If your username is not recognized, you do not have permission to use the site.
- You will receive an email stating that a password reset command has been done, and you will need to click on the link included in email.
- Once you click on the link, you will be emailed a new password. Please return to this site, and login with your new password. You may set the password to one of your choice through your profile.
Still having eLearn issues? Contact Dawn Karlovsky at dkarlovsky@judsonu.edu for support. Remember, your eLearn account is generated after you register for classes through MyJudson. So if you are not registered for courses, you will NOT have an eLearn account yet.
Having email or MyJudson Portal issues? Contact the IST Helpdesk through the Judson Helpdesk page.